To Mark Sandmann and the Covington H.S. Students who showed so much grace under pressure as they were harassed and attacked at the Lincoln Memorial by the Black Hebrew hate group and then by Indian activist Nathan Phillips and his band. They were targeted by the mainstream media and elitist entertainers because they are pro-life, “privileged white kids” and wore Make America Great Again hats. The rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred showed just how vile the left has become. They cheer for murdering babies in the womb and those born alive, and now they want to metaphorically “kill” Catholic teens and destroy their futures. Few apologies followed when the truth about the event cleared the boys. May all the martyrs of Holy Mother Church pray for these kids who faced a gauntlet of lies and hate and stood with courage.
To Catholic Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York who signed the most draconian abortion/ infanticide law in history, and then lit up the World Trade Center celebrating to the gleeful cheers of the death lobby. To the Nine Catholic Democrat Senators who embraced infanticide by voting against Senate Bill 130 mandating medical treatment for babies born alive after abortion with legal accountability. The bill had NO impact on abortion laws; it simply required that survivors receive the same care as any newborn. But Democrat demagogues claimed the bill would end abortion. We ask Our Lady of Life and St. Luke, the great physician to pray for these servants of death so wedded to abortion that killing newborns who survive the abortion is their new standard. |